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Theory & Publications
Information Visualization
- Infothestics - Infothestics
- Xerox PARC projects
- Information Visualization Journal - Magazin for Information Visualization.
Programming and Software Engineering Tools
UML and Software-Design
- ADR - is a system for formal software design by means of graphical methods. Alberto Lluch Lafuente
- UMLGraph - a Java tool for the Declarative Drawing of UML diagrams which generates diagrams using dot Diomidis Spinellis (Diomidis also contributed code for a richer set of arrow heads for dot, which he claims were really part of a stealthy plot to have Graphviz taken over by the UML community. :-) -
Call Graphs
- Callgrind - makes callgraphs Jörg Schillin and Josef Weidendorfer
- RDOC - Ruby documentation Dave Thomas
Schema & Datastructure
- Pimentech-DbUtils - utils for writing patterns databases in XML (Extended Entities Relationship diagram (ERA)) - and exporting them to graphviz and sql.
Generators and Translators
Network and Web Engineering Tools
- Visualize your firewall - uses graphviz to produce a graph of your iptables ruleset. Chris Forno
- PHP+Graphviz tool - that makes a sitemap of a web site dynamically Laszlo Szathmary
- Pathalizer - visualizes paths traversed by users through web sites Arnout Engelen
- netmap - draws the route connecting you with the Internet
- afterglow - is a collection of scripts to generate graphs for Graphviz (and LGL) - from various network logs and firewall rulesets Raffael Marty (see also- tenshi - for logfile filtering) -
AI and Language Tools
- DAWG CREATOR - a C++ class for creating a prefix tree representation of a given lexicon.
- FcaStone - lays out algebraic lattices in the sense of Formal Concept Analysis. (Try the- demo - or the- lattice visualisations of Roget’s Thesaurus). Uta Priss
- CanooNet - , a German word formation dictionary. (Try- Blockflöte,- Hochschule or Massanzug in the entry field).
Transform data sources and formats into Graphviz.
- SQL Fairy - a group of Perl modules that manipulate structure data definitions (mostly database schemas) - in interesting ways, such as visualizations of schemas (pseudo-ER diagrams Graphviz or GD) - Szilárd Vajda
- SchemaSpy - analyzes and displays metadata for any database via JDBC, letting you click through a hierarchy of tables John Currier
- SqlPP - a scripted SQL query generation framework that generates graphviz
Social Networking and Collaborative Work
- Proximity Subgraphs - visualize communities in the Internet Movie Database
- Hammond Jazz Inventory - show graphical representation of musicians related by recordings in which the Hammond organ plays a significant role (orghammograms!) -
Bioinformatics and Cheminformatics
- National Cancer Institute (NIH) - pathway interaction database (CMAP) - Kotien Wu
- protein database visualization - American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) - and Stanford University Digital Libraries Project
- Pubgene - Bioinformatic Solutions and Databases for Genomics, Proteomics, and Drug Discovery (go- here - for original academic web site)
- RPMGraph - uses neato to draw a graph of dependencies between RPMs on RedHat or other RPM based systems Andrea Lombardoni
- nmdepend - is a lightweight link-time dependency analyzer for C/C++ object files and libraries, helps manage cross-directory dependencies Eddy Pronk
- eEye Binary Diffing Suite - is a suite of tools for binary differential analysis, especially for reverse engineering patches as well as program updates.
Document preparation
- graphviz.tex: macros for including Graphviz in your LaTeX files Derek Rayside
- wdot.rb - a tool that allows workflow diagrams and flowcharts to be easily created and updated.Loh Siu Yin
- epswrap - a Perl program that wraps EPS files containing bitmap data for user shapes in Graphviz Marcus Harnisch
Information Visualization
Language Bindings
Libs for Perl
- GraphViz::DBI - graph database tables and their relationships Marcel Grunauer
- in perl Stephen North, with a huge assist from John Linderman (tbd)
Libs for Ruby:
- GraphR Graph-related Ruby classes using graphviz Robert Feldt
Libs for Java
- jGraphViz - Java bindings for libGraphViz schmeeky
Libs for Python
- yapgvb Yet Another Graphviz Python Binding Lonnie Princehouse
Libs for C# and .NET
- WinGraphviz component Ood Tsen
- R-Graphviz (tbd)
Package Search and Further Collections
Third-Party Distributions
- Fedora Extras - rpms for Fedora Core 3 and later.
- Axel Thimm - rpms for some RedHat Linux distributions (“atrpms”).
Graphical Interfaces
Editor Addons
- Eclipse plugin - Plugin for the Eclipse-IDE
.NET / C#
- GraphSpe - includes a converter for Microsoft Silverlight Xaml (SVG based) Ceyhun Ciper
- - an interactive viewer for graphs. Jose Fonseca
- ZGRViewer - an SVG-based zooming graph viewer for large graphs Emmanuel Pietriga
- ArgoUML Graphviz - Automatically repositioning all visual elements from UML diagrams that are stored in XMI. These can be exported with DOT to PDF, SVG, PNG, etc. This XLST runs independently of ArgoUML. Pander
- EFnet - IRC Network server routing maps Douglas Boldt
- Tigris QuickGraph
- Lambda Animator - is a tool for demonstrating and experimenting with alternative reduction strategies in the lambda-calculus Mike Thyer
- Survey - Franz Brandenburg talk notes in Powerpoint
DIG-COLA - Directed Graph Layout through Constrained Energy Minimization by Tim Dwyer and Yehuda Koren.
- Changelog - Changelog starting from March 13, 2000.
- demo.c
- dot.c
- example.c
- simple.c
- Makefile
- JSON - Schema - Plain JSON representation of a graph encoding xdot attributes.
- BioGrapher Excel front-end (WinXP and Mac) for Graphviz that allows the user to specify graphs in a spreadsheet using adjacency matrix, node list or Newick notation (for phylogenetic trees) and visualize the layout generated by Graphviz as an Excel (vector graphics) picture object. Rama Viswanathan
- DiagrammeR Graphviz support is an integral part of the DiagrammeR package. Richard Iannone
- Wordpress EHT Graphviz - Plugin for Wordpress, to allow Graphviz images to be easily integrated into a Wordpress page. Emilio González Montaña.
- WorldCat xISSN - shows the history of a journal indexed by ISSN OCLC Online Computer Library Center, Inc..
- node-it - subreddit grapher with graphviz written in golang.
- phpOpenTracker - provides a framework solution for the analysis of website traffic and visitor analysis. Sebastian Bergmann
- Grails class diagram plugin - provides an UML-like diagram of grails domain classes. Trygve Amundsen
- TeX and PSTRICKS - describes how to use PSTRICKS in conjunction with TeX to include Graphviz PostScript output into TeX documents. This approach makes further manipulation, such as rotation,shifting, etc. easy. Roger Herz-Fischler
- GoLangLibs - Three pages full of Go Packages.
- DMOZ Graph Drawing - DMOZ Category Science > Math > Combinatorics > Software > Graph Drawing
- DMOZ Graph Theory - Science > Math > Combinatorics > Graph Theory