
Collect all my labs into one (published on

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Core Stuff …

OpenResearch’ing …

… with DOI based publishing

  1. ORCID:
  2. SotA LoRaWAN, de
  3. SotA SocialVR, en
  4. SotA Market Intelligence, en
  5. SotA GenAI Benchmarks, en (part of FraCoGenAI)

LeanPub’ing …

… means Self-Publishing


… Free & OpenSource Enterprise Asset, Architecture & Application Management

More Stuff …

… lab & hub (need gitea!)

  1. jobr Upstream (Repo for the LeanPub-Book)
  2. Awesome Graphviz: gitpage
  3. ChaosLab: homepage
  4. KoalA: KoalitionsvertragsAnalyse slide-deck
  5. LifeLongLearning: blog (e), blog (de), repo
  6. 100DaysOfCode: R1, R2, R3, R4
  7. Go By Examples: gobeys
  8. FaaS-Lane: faas-lane project, FaaS-Landscape
  9. RosettaCode by Nmbrs: Categories & Graph
  10. Awesome LearnRwithR: gitpage (wip)

Lore Stuff …

… collect all my untidy codelabs (some old, some very old)

  1. api-lab GitHub last commit
  2. blender-lab gitlab-repo
  3. chaos-lab gitlab-repo
  4. go-lab GitHub last commit
  5. graphi-lab GitHub last commit
  6. gro-lab GitHub last commit
  7. hugo-lab GitHub last commit
  8. jenkins-lab GitHub last commit
  9. kube-lab GitHub last commit
  10. masterpieces gitlab-repo
  11. r-lab gitlab-repo
  12. rosettacode-to-go GitHub last commit
  13. rosettacode-by-nmbrs GitHub last commit
  14. snippets GitHub last commit
  15. twitterei GitHub last commit
  16. vue-lab GitHub last commit